Beat Cop APK MOD Full Version Unlocked

Beat Cop APK MOD Full Version Unlocked

Download Beat Cop APK MOD Full Version Unlocked

During his last homicide case,some diamonds disappeared – as well as something he has no knowledge of at all and ran afoul of a very powerful politician. Clearly something major is going on behind the scenes and you’ve been made into the fall guy. Despite being relegated to handing out tickets on a city block in Brooklyn, New York you’re determined to figure out what the hek happened and get your old job back.
Of course, things won’t be so simple when your block is home to the mafia, a black gang, and all sorts of other shifty types. The story of Beat Cop APK MOD is pretty much bog standard for this kind of genre but that’s really only on paper. After playing through the first few days of the game the writing in it managed to pull me right into it. Everything plays out on a pretty small scale. the only places you’re gonna see are the police station in the morning and this one city block but it can feel pretty big.
You’re going to be dealing with all sorts of craziness from stopping mafia protection schemes all the way up to bomb threats. The characters you talk to in the game are pretty interesting and really run the gamut. Sure some are pretty average people like Adamski, the Jewish guy that runs the deli. While some are pretty out there, like the old lady you get tricked into going shopping for at one point in the game. Beat Cop APK MOD is kinda like offline adventure game where the gameplay is basic but its as addictive as any other AAA title available on Android.

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